Fast, affordable aluminum ramp rentals

Serving Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois, All American Ramp Rentals offers a complete line of safe, dependable wheelchair ramp rentals for a variety of residential applications.

Call for an instant quote!

(517) 278-3293

Get an estimate

Give us a call or fill out the following fields, and someone from our team will be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation estimate.

For the best estimate, please provide as much information as you can regarding the ramp in question (i.e. approximate rise, length, and/or shape). If you're unsure, just let us know and we'll be happy to schedule a free evaluation.

Evaluations are always free

Not sure what you need? Wondering what a ramp rental might cost? Just give us a call, and we’ll send someone out as quickly as tomorrow for a free, no-obligation home evaluation.

100% American-made ramps

We’re proud of our partnership with Rampit USA, not only because of the quality of their ramps and the variety of shapes and sizes they offer but also because all Rampit USA ramps and components are made right here in the United States.

Damage-free installation

Because our ramps are easily installed with just a few simple tools and are no permanent structures, most ramps can be installed and removed without any permanent modifications to the home or landscaping, and without the need for permits from the city.